Counterfeit Investigations
A counterfeit investigation is an inquiry into the production and/or distribution of fake or imitation products. Generally, these investigations are conducted on behalf of businesses or individuals who believe they have been harmed by the sale of counterfeit goods. Argus investigators will work to uncover the source of the counterfeit products and gather evidence to support the case.
There are a few different ways that counterfeiters can produce their fake products. The most common method is to create an exact replica of the genuine article. This can be done by reverse engineering a product or by acquiring blueprint copies or moulds from the original manufacturer. Another way to produce counterfeit goods is to use lower quality materials or parts than what would be used in the authentic product. For example, a watchmaker might use a cheap quartz movement instead of a more expensive mechanical one.
If you believe that you have been harmed by the sale of counterfeit goods, you may want to consider hiring Argus Investigations to conduct a counterfeit investigation on your behalf. Investigators can implement covert tactics to help you uncover the source of the fake products and gather evidence to support your case.

Counterfeit Investigations
Argus Investigations offers Counterfeit investigation services, we understand the frustration and financial loss that can result from the purchase of fake goods, and we are here to help. Our team of experienced investigators will work tirelessly to uncover the source of the fake products and gather evidence to support your case. We understand the complex legal landscape surrounding counterfeit goods, and we will use our knowledge to aggressively pursue those responsible. If you have been harmed by the sale of counterfeit goods, contact Argus Investigations today.
Our team of experienced and formally government trained undercover operatives have the ability to conduct covert purchases on your behalf to gather direct evidence on unlawful suppliers of counterweight goods.
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