Investigation review and consulting

Consulting Services Security

Investigations Reviews

The Argus Investigations team conducts investigations reviews as we know that private investigations companies occasionally do not have the necessary experience to investigate effectively or pursue all available lines of enquiry. Furthermore, it is not just the private sector that sometimes fails to investigate appropriately; this is also common in police forces and government investigation bodies. Our team comprises private sector investigators, former state and federal law enforcement detectives and intelligence officers. Argus leverages this diverse and unique experience to analyse and review investigations that have gone cold or have failed to reach resolutions. Our diverse backgrounds allow us to apply different perspectives to investigations and utilise methodology and techniques unavailable to your average investigation company. Whether you are an investigator or a member of the public who has an interest in an investigation that has gone cold, we can review your matter with the closest attention to detail to identify missed lines of enquiry, avenues to gather more evidence or information that was missed or overlooked. In addition, we will implement out-of-the-box covert strategies to revitalise and push your investigations towards a successful resolution.

Investigation review and consulting

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